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Beware of cheap substitutes as Swiss balls worldwide carry no industry safety standards. Most swiss balls sold claim anti -burst ratings which are usually exaggerated and only a 'static' rating, and not a 'dynamic' safety rating. 


Cheap balls go out of shape, have poor 'feel' quality, can split fast or even explode.

These are the strongest and safest balls in the world - dynamically tested and rated.


These balls have a thicker wall and hold their loading when compressed or deformed, unlike the vast majority of balls which are simply toy PVC including many Medical, Physio and gym balls

All prices in Australian dollars

MAXBALL -Anti slip dimple surface.

Available in black or gold 

55cm $140  65cm $149 AUD

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Xtreme Duraball is built for tough moments in the gym.
Grey 55cm $110.00  - 65cm $149.00
70cm $169.00

The Perfect training DVD for athletes and general Swiss ball fitness. $49.00

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Airboard training package for high performance athletes who want an additional challenge with balance.
Airboard, 30cm Swiss ball and airboard download video $99.00
Not available at the moment
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